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Assault charges can affect your life. For any assault or related charges, Vick Hundal negotiates with the Crown Attorney.

Attempted Murder

Attempted Murder under Penal Code 664 is trying to kill someone. Conviction can mean life in prison; expert legal defense is crucial.

Domestic Assault

Domestic violence includes assault, threats, murder, harassment, sexual assault, mischief, and court order breaches.

Drug Offences

Being charged with a drug offense in Canada is serious, leading to fines, jail, and loss of property. Don’t handle it alone.


If charged with fraud or forgery, or under investigation, contact Vick Hundal.

Impaired Driving / Over 80

In Ontario, driving with over 80 mg of alcohol per 100 mL of blood is DUI. Punishment severity depends on if it’s your first offense.


Murder and manslaughter charges are life-altering, with potential sentences including life in prison.


Robbery is felony theft involving force, intimidation, or threats. It’s a serious crime with significant jail time.

Sex Assault

Facing sexual assault charges? These serious allegations can have long-lasting impacts and require expert legal representation.


A theft conviction can lead to job loss, difficulty finding employment, and a damaged reputation.

Weapons Offences

Firearms or weapons charges lead to long jail terms, mandatory minimums, and higher penalties for repeat offenses.

Youth Offences

If you’re 12-17 and charged with a crime, you need a youth offenses lawyer. Vick Hundal handles robbery, assault, and theft cases.