Sexual Assault Lawyer Mississauga

Allegations of sexual assault require an experienced sexual assault lawyer to defend your rights and build a strong defence for your case. Sexual assault charges are serious matters. Accusations can affect employment, family and cause unwanted attention.

If you are charged with sexual assault, trust Vick Hundal to provide you with the legal representation you need for your sexual assault case.


Sexual Assault Lawyer in Mississauga

Sexual assault refers to any form of sexual contact without explicit consent from the victim. Some forms of sexual assault include attempted rape, fondling or unwanted sexual touching, forcing a victim to perform sexual acts, such as oral sex or penetrating the perpetrator’s body also known as rape.

The following are sexual assault related criminal offences in Canada:

  • Unwanted Sexual Attention (e.g., jokes, comments)
  • Unwanted Advances
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Stalking
  • Indecent Exposure
  • Voyeurism
  • Sexual Exploitation
  • Incest
  • Sexual Assault of Minors
  • Rape
  • Threats and Intimidation
  • Using a Position of Power to Gain Sexual Favours
  • Groping/Inappropriate Touching
mississauga sexual assault lawyer

The Process

How can a Sexual Assault Lawyer in Mississauga help you?

Experienced sexual assault lawyer in Mississauga, Vick Hundal, knows how to conduct a proper and thorough case, helping the judge to fully understand what may or may not have happened. If you have been accused or charged with sexual assault it is important that you engage a sexual assault lawyer to get the best possible outcome. Vick Hundal will recommend that you:

  • Do not make any statements to law enforcement
  • Do not contact the alleged victim, friends or relatives

Vick Hundal will consider issues such as:

  • Evidence against the accused
  • Review of the police investigation
  • Any legal issues or motions that may arise in defence

A good criminal lawyer such as Vick Hundal will often be able to exploit inconsistencies and improbabilities in the complainant’s version of events and help you win your case. In order to successfully defend a sexual assault case, your sexual assault lawyer will attempt to show that your accuser is not credible or reliable.

If you are charged with sexual assault crime or any sexually related crime it is important to remember that this is a life-altering circumstance that you face. You could possibly face serious jail time and be registered as sex offender causing irreparable damage to your personal and professional relationships and stigma in the community. Vick Hundal can help you protect it.

Vick Hundal can help you with the following:

Protect You from Reputational Harm

Turn to domestic assault lawyer Vick Hundal who has years of experience in dealing with cases of domestic assault, domestic sexual assault and related offences.Read More

Educating You on Your Rights and Legal Options

Domestic violence lawyer Vick Hundal is a professional with years of experience in matters of domestic violence. Because Vick Hundal has dealt with numerous cases, the years of experience handling domestic violence cases makes him your best shot at a favorable outcome.Read More

Handle Your Documentation and Filing

Vick Hundal will help expertly plan and strategize your defence, which will in turn aid in being advantageous in court. An expert sexual assault lawyer in Mississauga will provide you with advice and will gather evidence to ensure that your case is strong and substantial resulting in a final judgement that is swayed in your favour.

Reducing or Dropping Charges

You need a sex crime lawyer Vick Hundal every step of the way if you are charged or accused of sex crimes. Nothing is more important than fighting charges.Read More

Check Out These Insightly FAQs

Check out answers to most asked questions.

Sexual assault is any unwanted touching of a sexual nature. First, like all assaults, for an accused to be found guilty of sexual assault, there must be a lack of consent from the person being touched. Second, the touching must be of a sexual nature.

If your first instinct is to say “I am innocent”, then pause for a moment. Vick Hundal believes that the only way for truth and justice to prevail is to follow the motto that “the best defence is a strong offence”.

A strong offence involves using all Vick Hundal’s sexual assault lawyer legal skills to analyze the circumstances of your case to uncover the real truth, i.e., exposing the lies perpetrated by the complainant and the motive for making the false allegations.

The 3 main defenses to a sexual assault accusation are:

  • Consent
  • Lack of Evidence
  • Innocence

Sexual assault is any act that violates the victim’s sexual integrity. Sexual assault is non-consensual and does not depend on any specific part of the human body. A non-consensual sexual act is anything that lacks consent—or the voluntary agreement of all parties involved.

Evidence that could be useful in sexual assault investigations includes: fibers, hairs, saliva swabbed from a bite mark, lubricants or foreign objects used in the assault, or discarded clothing.

Types of sexual assault include any unwanted sexual activity:

  • Attempted rape
  • Fondling
  • Unwanted sexual contact or touching
  • Forcing victim to perform sexual acts (i.e. oral penetration or other forms of sex)
  • Forced kissing, grabbing, fondling, sexual harassment
  • Rape: unlawful sexual intercourse or penetration of the victim’s body by a body part or object
  • Incest
  • Forcible sodomy
  • Contact of a sexual nature during a medical treatment

The three levels of sexual assault in Canada are:

  • Sexual assault, s. 271 of the Criminal Code;
  • Sexual assault with a weapon, threats to a third party or causing bodily harm, s. 272 of the Criminal Code; and.
  • Aggravated sexual assault, s. 273 of the Criminal Code.